Just Some Movies: Parts Two of Many (Spoilers Ahead, Maybe?)
Gladiator: Obviously going to be a great movie, just leaving at the credentials. Ridley Scott and Russel Crowe,

that is a good combination, and then you look at the awards, and you only need to look at one, Academy Award for Best Picture, and I'm not saying that everyone is going to like a movie just because it won Best Picture at the Academy Awards. But if you do not like this movie, then shame on you. The cinematography is beautiful; from the sweeping shot of battle, the tight quick shots of gladiatorial battles, to the wide shots of ancient Rome, they're all breathtaking. 9/10
- If I wasn't an unethical person, I would definitely buy this.http://imdb.http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.bold.gifcom/title/tt0172495/
Troy: After Gladiator I felt the need to feed my desire for ancient epic battles, so I picked up this movie from one of my friends. Not the best of films, but certainly the not he worst of some action epics I have seen.

But lately Peterson has not been at the top of his game, with Troy no hitting a note at the box office and then going on to make Poseidon, which also didn't go anywhere when it came out, which is sad, because it cost so much to make. But on to the movie; starring Brad Pitt, Orlando Bloom; directed by Wolfgang Peterson, who has done some big blockbuster movies, such as In the Line of Fire, Air Force One, and Das Boot, similar to Michael Bay, you could say. The epic battle of Troy, with Achilles and Hector battling out, and all those others heroes fighting and dieing for the sake of one mans greed. The scenes were grand, huge battle scenes and wide aerial angles of thousands of badly generated boats and giant cities. My history teacher pointed out something that I wouldn't have ever noticed before, during one scene in the movie, Achilles and his cousin and fighting in ancient Greek ruins. But if the movie took place during ancient Greece, wouldn't the "ruins" would act ally be a house or whatever they were. But all in all, a good movie, due to the fact that I applaud them at trying to fit a massive Greek epic into a 2 ½ hour movie, which would be hard to do anyway.
- A rental for sure, not enough to buy though.http://imdb.com/title/tt0332452/
Amelie: Breathtaking film, wonderful, amazing, awesome, intriguing, beautiful, colorful, hilarious, imaginative, and any other adjective you or I can think of. Directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet,

and starring Audrey Tautou, this film will take you away into dream land, if you let it, and I let it, just sweep me away into this magnificent film. The quirkiness of the whole thing just grabbed on to me at the very beginning, the story of poor Amelie, whose mother is killed by a suicidal maniac falling from the Notre Dame. And I have to wonder if the company Travelocity got their idea of the traveling lawn gnome from this movie, it would make sense. After some research, it is sort of tied into the traveling lawn gnome idea, "The traveling gnome was inspired a rash of similar pranks played out in England and France in the 1990s. In 1997, a French court convicted the leader of Front de Libération des Nains de Jardins (Garden Gnome Liberation Front) of stealing over 150 gnomes. The idea was later used in an advertising campaign for an Internet travel agency." Very interesting. I love movies that delve into imagfination and fantasy, where the world is how you dream it to be and go around B&Eing into peoples houses, booby trapping all of their stuff just for some pay back. My favorite scenes would have to be the ones of in fast motion, like the cutting of the note with scissors and the bike ride at the end, for some reason those got to me. And lets not forget a integral part to the movie, its music; some of the best soundtrack music I have heard that correspond perfectly with what is going on onscreen. I could listen to it over and over again and never tire of it.
- If you haven't seen it yet, get it from me or go to the rental store, NOW!http://imdb.com/title/tt0211915/
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