Before I go any further with this useless rambling, you should look at this trailer,
Its a movie called renaissance, which uses a black and white cell shading to cast its movie into a different perspective, check it out, the story may not be very good, but the art looks nice. And another thing, for the people who would care to know about my life before Huntington, here it is, a brief summary.
- Born and raised in Anderson, Indiana, about 45 minutes north of Indianapolis, I went about my normal business as a human until I met a kid named Casey Graham, who pulled me into the world of cinematography, in which I have been stuck in ever since. So after many , many years of movies and shorts, I finally came here. So that is the shortest summary I could think of without boring anyone. -
Ash Sunday, a short animated piece by Corrie Francis, it was very emotional, the oppression and then freedom on humanity. Baby Got Book was a music video parody on the Baby Got Back song by Sir Mix A Lot, saying how big butts really turned him on and that was what he was looking for. The book video was essentially that except instead of big butts, it was big bibles, and I thought is was really funny and entertaining. Then the music video of the Gay Boyfriend, which was very funny also, and had some lessons to be learned from it too. Guys shouldn't be too harsh on their girlfriends (if they have one), they need to be open emotional and be there whenever the woman needs something, don't be mad, be glad, or she'll dump you over a fag.
And yet another before this post ends, here is the link to another trailer, this one you have to see, because anyone who sees it will want to see the movie. The Michel Gondry film I spoke of earlier, it is going to be a great one. And I cannot wait.
I'm glad somebody else thought the Baby Got Book video was funny. Nice to know that the other laughs I heard in class were real and not in my head.
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