The past events; One of my external hard drives decided to quit, but luckily there was only 200 gigs on it, no big deal. Heard Rumors that the school was going to get another T1

connection and maybe a T3 connection by winter, that would be so awesome, so much more bandwidth for people to suck away. I'm trying to get a hold of the whole Ghibli Studio collection of movies, since all the ones I have seen are more than moving, they are masterpieces, and not just the ones directed by Miyazaki. Right know I'm listening to the soundtrack for the movie Snatch, and if you have not seen it, then you must have a huge hole in your heart, its right up there with Fight Club. The short film is going superb, I don't really know how it is going to turn out, but hopefully something good will come of it, not just a pile of crap on the screen. The speakers I bought a week ago stopped working, so I going to have to send them back to the company. The book were supposed to read is pretty interesting, but I keep falling asleep when I try to read it, I need to get more sleep.
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