Just So You Know

Friday, October 06, 2006

Just Some Movies...Parts One of Many(Spoilers Ahead)

This weekend I watched some movies, from the whole spectrum of movies.

- District B-13 (Straight Action) : A French film that takes place in France in the future when the city of Paris is divided into 13 different districts. In this movie, District 13 gets a hold of a nuclear bomb and are going to bomb the government, and the cops have to do something about it. All about the action, two professional and very good stunt men were the main actors, they had no experience with acting before and they did a superb job. The movie would go from a action scene, to a slow scene that would explain what was happening, and go back and forth throughout the whole movie until the credits roll. The choreography is amazing, and if you like action movies, with no thought to "what the movie is really about" then this would be a good pick.

- Everything is Illuminated (Drama/Comedy/Historical) : A book to film movie, about a Jew that is trying to find the woman who helped his father leave the Ukraine when WW II started. Great film, something everyone should watch, as I said before, based on a book, and is very accurately portrayed, as it should. Perfect music, the situation this kid gets into are so awkward its perfect, the epitome of clashing cultures trying to figure each other out.

- United 93 (Intense Emotional Drama): A quasi-documentary about the attacks on the WTC on 9/11, but focuses on the flight that went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Very intense, very emotional, hits deep with anyone who watches this film because it affected us all. It is impossible to explain, so I'll just leave it to you to watch it.

- High Tension (Thriller/Horror) : Another French film. A girl and her friend are going to the friend's family's house to study for their exams and it all goes awry when a crazy killer dude comes and starts the slaughter. A classic horror movie with a twist that even I wasn’t expecting, which is very strange. If you don't like horror movies, then you shouldn’t' watch this, that is obvious, and for anyone of you who are gurus of horror movies, then you might give this a look, its not that good, but for a blood and guts movie, it has all the elements, and its French, with some plot holes.


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