I never thought you could say so much in a film without having all of the fancy effects in which are used so much these days. But the films I saw a couple days ago really turned my head with their utter simplicity. The videos for the tribute to the Nelson Mandela and benefit for AIDs were very simplistic and radical at the same time. To Tell the truth, I had no idea what the first video we watched was about, I figured it had to be something about AIDs, but it look more like people on a force march, being oppressed and almost to the point of some sort of slave. The music in the background also made the video go up unto another plane of existence, the singing and other subtle instrumentations made it for me, it creeped me out, and made me interested at the same time.
Santeri Tuori is a genius in his simplicity, his video spoke so much, and yet it was only a girl slowly moving back and forth. The gray image of her was the creepy part, it made the video so much more dark, without it, the girl was happy and dancing, but with it, a shadow of death was behind her, showing us what it could be like. There was always something behind her, shadowing her, maybe a distant thought, or a haunting presence, that for her happiness, someone else is suffering.
Sour Death Balls, what a name for a short film, if not just a thesis statement on what it is about. I really wondered what those things tasted like, if it was an awful taste or if the ball was super sour. This short showed me the vast expressions the human face is able to make, which this film exhibits. It captivates you for 5 minutes, just showing a person’s reaction to a thing that doesn’t agree with their taste buds. Their face crinkles, eyes shut as hard as possible, mouth purses like a fish, and the whole upper body tenses as if under some invisible attack. Amazing what a person can do with just a simple concept and some very cooperative volunteers.
Michel Gondry, up there with the best, of making music videos that is, of course in mainstream movies he is making his mark as well, with radical ideas that are just crazy enough to be a huge success, the visuals he uses are out of this world. The music videos he made are so out of this world that they are looked at as works of art, videos of the Chemical Brothers, Radiohead, The White Stripes, Kylie Minogue, and Bjork. Let Forever Be, music by the Brothers, this video takes a look back at the beginning age of music videos, using physical sets and props and simple transitions to credit or make fun of all the effects those videos used back in the day.
Another interesting video was the internet short
Piehole, which used 5 short clips to make a song, all with the human mouth as the instrument. Burping, coughing, sneezing, and beatboxing, with some talking to add lyrics to the song. Yet again, a more than simple concept put together exceptionally well, genius in its simplicity I would have to say, and funny too. Obviously part of the video explosion on the internet, I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t hundreds, or even thousands of these gems on the internet, hidden among the millions of videos that have been uploaded.