Just So You Know

Thursday, November 02, 2006

What makes a movie good?

(I am not responsible for any contradictions in the following text, and don't hate if I go off the subject, because I will)

This has been a question that has plagued me for the past 5 weeks. I am searching for the true meaning of the film and why it exists. Is it here to instruct us on how to live, showing us the meaning of our lives, and giving morals that we should follow. Did movies start out just as mindless pieces of entertainment or a iffy invention that didn't really work out. It was the latter, just so you know, and then it went from invention to entertainment. But of course the silent movies were so innocent compared to the movies that are released in these modern times. So should I go back to the roots and watch the pure movies that were created at the beginning of the movie industry. Of course not, those movies were absolutely horrid compared to the movies of these modern times.

So I find myself in a bind that will be a bit difficult to get out of, how do I sift through the "good" movies and the "bad" movies on the terms of the Leeper, or why should I. I don't because all that is a bunch of bullcrap, if I make a movie that is just pure violence with no meaning at all, I will love it and it will be entertaining, and I have no problem with it. Example, today I watched Reservoir Dogs, which has no moral values, or any other values when I think about it. So is this movie good, or even great, of course it is, I thought it was really good, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. So a movie doesn't have to have values to be a good movie, and movies that have values in them are often much worse than movies without them. This probably doesn’t make any sense, so I'll sum it up in a couple of coherent sentences.

First, a movie doesn't have to have values to be a good movie. Second, nothing is wrong with an entertaining movie, I love to go and see entertaining movies all the time, that have no underlying themes in them. Third, going to the theatre to just relax and fly off into a dream world is the reason most people go to see a movie. Fourth, although not all movies that make money are good movies, all movies that are blockbuster movies; that is, making lots of money at the box office; that is, more than 80 million dollars, are top notch great movies. and Fifth…how to say my fifth point…not really much of a point per say, but…I love movies that are just straight action all the way through, with just enough plot to make it a little bit believable, those movies are great.

Thank You.


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