Just So You Know

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Art and Church, now that is an interesting subject…but its not like I care that much if the church wants art or not. I'm going to make films and put them out whether supported by the church or condemned by the church, its not like it matters. I guess that’s just too bad for them.
So, if I could find out what that film was called, I would bash it to high heaven, but alas, I don't remember what the name of it was, darn! Well, what else is there to talk about…oh yeah, Terry Tate, I'll tell you what, he is a great actor and a funny man, I'll give him that. George Lucas was in love with his sister, did that really surprise anyone, and that the fact he didn't really think of any of the ideas fro the Star Wars trilogy, he just was surrounded by freaks all the time, rip off! They were both funny and positive things….Oh screw it! What the crap was up with that 20 minutes we watched, maybe my worst movie experience in my short lifetime, and I've seen a lot of awful movies, but they were at least movies, not messed up screeching acid trips like that, I wish I had some pot while I was watching that movie, then maybe it would have made more sense. It was like watching paint dry and listening to someone commenting on how the paint was drying, aaaaggggghhhhh. But, hey, I guess they have their audience, the "Leeper" type of people who explain this movie by saying, "This is my life." This aspect of looking at the film completely confounds me but again, I can see why Leeper likes it, probably because the majority of people out there wouldn't like it and find, at its deepest level, it to be very annoying. But for now, I will stop judging and give mercy to this "film."
"Call me Cathrine." Oh how I love the Superman movies.


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