Just So You Know

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Before You Read This Blog, Take Into Account That This Is Completely Opinionated and May or May Not Be The Opinions of the Said Person Who Wrote This Blog.

Ethics (You know what I say, f' 'em)Lets Go Out With A Bang, Shall We...Or At Least A Minor Pop.

One day a teacher of my (I won't say his name because of the teacher-student confidentiality agreement….oh wait, there isn't anything like that…Prof Lehman, and don't get me wrong, I totally love the guy) told a story about his wife and him coming to an agreement about the atrocious act they had committed over the years. You may want to skip this part because it may induce vomiting and many other symptoms of unethical behavior…they have been recording other people's CDs to cassettes, and they had been doing it for a while. But one day their guilt of stealing the music industries living that they decided they had to come to a agreement. A couple of days later, they got all of their CDs into a pile and threw them all in the trash and watching them get crushed by the compacter of the garbage man. Whether this is you or you think their actions are completely ridiculous and not needed at all is not the point (Because, c'mon, let alone someone will post a comment on this blog, its not like I'm going to care what you say anyway….). The point is that people have different views on what is ethical and what isn't; I might be the most unethical and rude person you ever have on these nasty blogs, but I can still sleep at night knowing there is always someone worse.
This movie has been rated R, for Restricted. Does this mean that if I'm 18 going on 19 and love creative, genius, inspiring movies that I should not watch a movie because H.U. says its inappropriate, absolutely not. If a movie is good, or even if it is bad, and it is rated R, its ridiculous to think that someone who is 18-24 wouldn't be able to handle it or would be offended by the content of it. And what of the Christians that say, "Christians shouldn't watch rated R movies because it falls in the way of following Jesus." Well, aren't they just being open minded today, If Jesus were here today, I think he would watch every rated R movie that I have watched during my lifetime, even the horror movies and everything else. The movies with the gay sex, gore and people snorting lines of coke, Jesus would watch all of them, would these movies be part of the theme we would call least of these, because that is exactly what they are portraying. I don't know, this may not make any sense at all, but I don't really care that much anyway.

And like always, I agree with Candide. Jeez, Frik, Gosh, Dang, Darn, Heck, Shoot….
Jesus, Fuck, God, Damn, Damn, Hell, Shit….
(and by the way, I don't say these words, its just an example of how we are so hypocritical of ourselves...or something like that)
these are all just words that are prettied up by us Christians, but hey, its all just the same, that’s how everyone else sees it, when you say Jeez or Gosh, your still using Gods name in vain.

Know What, F*ck these Blogs.

(And guess what, putting stars in the word doesn't make it any better)

Some Movies (Pts. 9 of Many) (Ewan McGregor anyone?)

Velvet Goldmine
(It makes me wonder what Priscilla: Queen of the Desert is like)

A story of Brian Slade and Curt Wilde. A story of David Bowie and Iggy Pop.

A very strange movie, not violent, not scary, not bloody, but everything else.
Drugs, Sex (All kinds of sex), Language (It’s a second language to the people on the screen, and disgusting acts (The Big M to a newspaper). This movie is first; about the story of Bowie and Pop during the glam pop phase of Bowies career, and second; about the sexuality of the glam pop era and how Bowie's statement of being gay was a turning point in England's society. It was a movie that was hard to watch, because of all the sexuality that was going on, with guys kissing girls, guys, and everyone else. There wasn't any sexual orientation, marriage didn’t mean anything important, girls and guys, they're both the same. Orgies, sex, and finding out who you actually are by doing stuff you probably shouldn't. The acting is very good in the movie, I wouldn't say it was amazing, but doing sex scenes with another man would be a very hard thing to do, in my perspective. John Rhys Davies, Ewan McGregor, and Christian Bale are the main players in this movies, and that is really all you need for an all-star cast.

(Literally, the worst toilet in Scotland)

Ewan McGregor stars in this '96 movie about heroin addiction. He is just a regular joe that has an addiction to heroin, and this movie documents his binging and purging and what he'll do to get another fix, then finally going cold turkey for good. During the movie all sorts of things happen, he gets off heroin, and gets back on, and robs stores and old people homes. The baby at the heroin house dies because everyone is too high to even realize they should have kept feeding it, and Ewan's character takes a crap in the nastiest toilet every to be seen in the world, I would think. The acting is typical of a independent type film, with no one except McGregor that you would know, but they are all good actors/actresses, showing every kind of emotion that comes with the death and life of drug addiction. A very good movie, one which Requiem for a Dream and many other drug movies got their inspiration from. Shows the horrors of drug use and why you probably shouldn't get into it in the first place.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Art and Church, now that is an interesting subject…but its not like I care that much if the church wants art or not. I'm going to make films and put them out whether supported by the church or condemned by the church, its not like it matters. I guess that’s just too bad for them.
So, if I could find out what that film was called, I would bash it to high heaven, but alas, I don't remember what the name of it was, darn! Well, what else is there to talk about…oh yeah, Terry Tate, I'll tell you what, he is a great actor and a funny man, I'll give him that. George Lucas was in love with his sister, did that really surprise anyone, and that the fact he didn't really think of any of the ideas fro the Star Wars trilogy, he just was surrounded by freaks all the time, rip off! They were both funny and positive things….Oh screw it! What the crap was up with that 20 minutes we watched, maybe my worst movie experience in my short lifetime, and I've seen a lot of awful movies, but they were at least movies, not messed up screeching acid trips like that, I wish I had some pot while I was watching that movie, then maybe it would have made more sense. It was like watching paint dry and listening to someone commenting on how the paint was drying, aaaaggggghhhhh. But, hey, I guess they have their audience, the "Leeper" type of people who explain this movie by saying, "This is my life." This aspect of looking at the film completely confounds me but again, I can see why Leeper likes it, probably because the majority of people out there wouldn't like it and find, at its deepest level, it to be very annoying. But for now, I will stop judging and give mercy to this "film."
"Call me Cathrine." Oh how I love the Superman movies.